Ms. Ma. Christina Aquino
Ma. Christina G. Aquino is the immediate past Chairperson of the Tourism Industry Board Foundation Inc, (TIBFI), the designated National Tourism Professional Board in the implementation of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement for Tourism Professionals. She is an Associate Board Member of the Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP). Ms Aquino is a member of CHED Technical Committee of Tourism and Hospitality Management and a member of the NCR Regional Quality Assurance Team (RQAT); a resource person for TESDA for the Tourism sector and a STAR External Validator; a DTI Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Assessor, and an ASEAN Master Tourism Assessor for Housekeeping and. She is a Past President of the Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP), APacCHRIE, and a former Board & Corporate Secretary of International Center for Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE).
Ms. Aquino was with the Lyceum of the Philippines University holding various posts and oversaw institutional and program quality assurance programs in the University. She has teaching and administrative experiences in post-secondary school settings. Besides, she was a flight attendant and cabin services line instructor, an entrepreneur of foodservice facility and liaison officer of a quasi-government agency. She is an author of several books, journal articles, completed research papers in Tourism and Hospitality areas, and has been invited as speaker in several workshops, fora and conferences, locally and internationally.
Ms Aquino holds the qualifications of BS HRA (cum laude); MA in Education, major in Educational Administration, and has completed all the academic requirements for a PhD in Education, specializing in Curriculum Studies. She has the following certifications: AHLEI’s Certified Hospitality Education (CHE) and Certified Guest Service Professional (CGSP), Certified Microsoft Office Specialist (Office Word 2016), STR Hotel Industry Foundations Introduction to Analytics (HIFIA), and ASEAN Master Assessor for Housekeeping.